Cinq postes de chercheur à Louvain (KU Leuven) sur la transmission et la traduction de I Cor. avant l’an mil
KU Leuven, Belgium, offers 2 full-time post-doctoral (2 years) and 3 PhD positions (4 years) for suitably qualified candidates to form part of the research team of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) funded Odysseus project “1Cor – Text, Transmission and Translation of 1 Corinthians in the First Millennium”. The project’s main goal is to produce full scholarly editions and textual analyses of 1 Corinthians with a multilingual perspective.
The successful post-doctoral candidates will work on the Greek and Coptic transmission of the text respectively. The doctoral studies will focus on citations of 1 Corinthians in Early Christian writers, the text in liturgical manuscripts, the textual developments in the Latin tradition or other versional evidence.
Further information about each position and application details can be obtained through the following links. The deadline for applications is 25th November 2021, the project will start on 1st March 2022.
Postdoctoral Position (Coptic):
Postdoctoral Position (Greek):
3 PhD Positions: